The Core Team

The Core Team is a creative, dedicated, innovative and compassionate team who advocate for, and with, the local community on issues that impact the everyday lives of its members. To learn more about the Casserly House Core Team click on their photo. 

Donna Stiglmeier

Lindsay Morrison
Program Administrator

Board Members

Casserly House Advisory Board is made up of individuals from the Roslindale neighborhood, community partners, Sisters of Saint Joseph, and program volunteers. The board meets four times a year to provide assistance and guidance in order to best fulfill the mission of Casserly House. 

Current board members: 

Marian Batho, CSJ
Dan Colombo
Mary Gowern, CSJ
Mark Loewen/Scott Pulchansingh
Sarah Markell
Jim McCarthy
Esperanza Sosa
Donna Sullivan



It is amazing for me to have been a part of Casserly House since it began…

My sister first came to Casserly House for English classes. My cousin now has a good job with benefits because he came here. My son received homework help from volunteers. Casserly House is about hope. It’s like family. It’s always been a place where “unifying love flares”  …the staff encourage us – propelling us to be more of who we can be.

Winter 2022, I participated in a neighborhood group who came together to talk about Casserly House. We reflected on all the love and encouragement we’ve found at Casserly House and imagined where the future will bring us. I’m so honored to now be a member of Casserly House’s Advisory Board. We want to continue that love, hope, and support as we respond to current neighborhood needs. It’s a chance to spread unifying love that flares to others. The neighborhood is changing. We need to change with it.

– Esperanza Sosa, Casserly House Advisory Board and Roslindale neighbor