Our Vision

Rooted in Boston, Open to the World


To be a place of welcome and connection for immigrants and a collaborative partner on neighborhood issues in Roslindale.


  • Respect the dignity of every person, valuing individual and cultural perspectives and differences
  • Welcome new immigrants unconditionally.
  • Be inclusive, open to all, regardless of ethnicity, income level, and religion. 
  • Accompany immigrants who are materially poor, listen to needs and celebrate joys, and stand together in our common struggle for justice.
  • Partner with organizations that are committed to improve the quality of life for our vulnerable neighbors.
  • Recognize that we are an integral part of a larger community.


  • To provide an adult ESOL program where immigrants who speak, understand, read, and/or write little or no English.
  • To engage neighborhood families, build community, and support navigating systems to meet needs.
  • To advocate for/with our neighbors on issues impacting everyday needs, including immigration, housing, employment, and community well-being.
  • To foster experiences for our volunteers that are both formative, transformative, and community-driven.
  • To manifest the values of the Sisters of Saint Joseph in our day-to-day relationships and overall mission.


Learn more about how our mission embodies that of the Sisters of Saint Joseph by clicking and watching the video on the right. It includes our volunteer ESOL instructor and advisory board member Dan Colombo.