Be a Census Taker at Casserly House!

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Census 2020 is coming to Casserly House! On Tuesday, January 28th, we joined the 2020 Census movement by welcoming Pedro de Jesus and Gilbert Saint Jean for a presentation on the importance of the 2020 Census and the opportunities that it opens up. Pedro and Gilbert are both bilingual, allowing our Spanish speaking students and our Haitian and French speaking students to really engage with the presentation and what the Census means for those who are new to the United States. In a time where the life and safety of immigrants are at risk, Pedro and Gilbert reassured our students that the census is anonymous, and can only go towards adding funding to the areas they live in. In addition to the presentation, we also had four of our students apply for jobs with the 2020 Census. Casserly House will serve as a site to fill out the Census online when it opens in March. 

We want to thank Pedro and Gilbert for devoting their time and effort for such an important cause to secure funding for social programs in our area. We’d like to encourage others to get educated on the Census and what it means for them, and check out the job opportunities on their website! 

You can learn more at the link below: