Roslindale ESOL Student Recognition Day 2019

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Last week we joined ESOL learners and educators from all over Roslindale to recognize some exceptional students and volunteers. We were thrilled to honor three of our hard-working, dedicated students – Stella, Gabriela, and Analdis. Stella has been a student at Casserly for many years, and her dedication has never flagged. She always comes in with a smile and a positive attitude. Stella is currently preparing for her citizenship exam. Gabriela has the grit of a marathon-runner and an incredibly open heart. She supports her fellow learners and is always engaged in class. She is known for asking insightful questions that push even our teachers to learn something new. Analdis is a fast learner and such a kind person. He always helps his classmates and encourages others to speak up. He is unfailingly polite and positive.

We were also delighted to honor Gail Grady, an exceptional volunteer who is an invaluable support to our program. Gail never backs down from a challenge, even taking on teaching HiSET math when other teachers and staff found the task intimidating. She is a warm, encouraging presence with a great sense of humor. Her classes are always energetic and engaging.

Please join us in lifting up these fabulous individuals and all of our wonderful students and volunteers!
